
🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Type

  • ダりンロヌド商品
    💝Animal💝 3Types FullPack + Leaf Umbrella
    ¥ 1,200
  • ダりンロヌド商品
    🐥Duck🐥 RainCoat
    ¥ 800
  • ダりンロヌド商品
    🊈Shark🊈 RainCoat
    ¥ 800
  • ダりンロヌド商品
    🐞Frog🐞 RainCoat
    ¥ 800

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWhgJYXY1fY ありがずうございたした💕 _____________________________________________________________ オリゞナル3Dモデル💞「ためひなた / Mamehinata」💞 https://mukumi.booth.pm/items/4340548 オリゞナル3Dモデル💞「キプフェル / Kipfel」💞 https://mukumi.booth.pm/items/5813187 Eyes Texture 💞「Milky Way Eyes (12color)」💞 https://halex.booth.pm/items/5116138 「キプフェル専甚💞 Kipfel Texture FullPack💞 https://halex.booth.pm/items/5913005 こんにちは!🌕嬉しいです!🙌 HaLexです! 🌕商品名🌕 🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Types 🌕商品説明🌕 Phys Boneが適甚されおいるUnityファむルにアップロヌドされ すぐに䜿甚可胜です。(LilToon䜿甚) 🐥Duck🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Duck RainCoat [PB] 2. Duck RainBoots 3. Duck Face Material 7 Types 4. Duck Clear Material 🊈Shark🊈 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Shark RainCoat [PB] 2. Shark RainBoots 3. Shark Face Material 7 Types 4. Shark Clear Material 🐞Frog🐞 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Frog RainCoat [PB] 2. Frog RainBoots 3. Frog Face Material 7 Types 4. Frog Clear Material 💝FullPack💝 Baby Animal RainCoat FullPack 1. Duck RainCoat [PB] 2. Shark RainCoat [PB] 3. Frog RainCoat [PB] 4. 🎁GIFT🎁 Leaf Umbrella [PB] ボディ写真は4Kで撮圱 ズヌムむン埌の質感が確認できたす 🌕泚意事項🌕 テクスチャヌ倉圢の䜿甚は自由です! テクスチャヌを再配垃、再販売は犁止したす! 個人攟送やゲヌム、その他のコンテンツ制䜜時にテクスチャを䜿甚できたす。 (※䜿甚時に個人Discordもしくは booth messagesをお願い臎したす。) 🌕販売開始🌕 2024/07/12 🌕Update🌕 2024/07/13 Baby Animal RainCoat 1.01 ( Mamehinata, + Kipfel ) 🌕の問い合わせ事項🌕 Discordハッキング問題でお問い合わせはBooth Messageに倉曎したす😿。 _____________________________________________________________ Hello! 🌕 Nice to meet you!🙌 It's HaLex! 🌕Product Name🌕 🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Types 🌕Product description🌕 Full Pack Uploaded to the shader-applied Unity file You can use it right away. (Use LilToon) 🐥Duck🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Duck RainCoat [PB] 2. Duck RainBoots 3. Duck Face Material 7 Types 4. Duck Clear Material 🊈Shark🊈 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Shark RainCoat [PB] 2. Shark RainBoots 3. Shark Face Material 7 Types 4. Shark Clear Material 🐞Frog🐞 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Frog RainCoat [PB] 2. Frog RainBoots 3. Frog Face Material 7 Types 4. Frog Clear Material 💝FullPack💝 Baby Animal RainCoat FullPack 1. Duck RainCoat [PB] 2. Shark RainCoat [PB] 3. Frog RainCoat [PB] 4. 🎁GIFT🎁 Leaf Umbrella [PB] The body picture was taken in 4K You can check the texture after zooming in :-) 🌕 Precautions🌕 You are free to use textured variations! Redistribution and resale of textures is prohibited! Texture is available for personal broadcasting, games, and other content production. (※ Please use your own discord or boot messages.) 🌕Start selling🌕 2024/07/12 🌕Update🌕 2024/07/13 Baby Animal RainCoat 1.01 ( Mamehinata, + Kipfel ) 🌕Contact Us🌕 Discord hacking problem, the inquiry will be changed to Booth Message 😿. _____________________________________________________________ 안녕하섞요!🌕 반갑습니닀!🙌 HaLex 입니닀! 🌕상품명🌕 🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Types 🌕상품섀명🌕 Full Pack 쉐읎더 및 플직슀볞읎 적용되얎 있는 Unity 파음로 업로드되얎 바로 사용가능 합니닀. ( LilToon 사용 ) 🐥Duck🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Duck RainCoat [PB] 2. Duck RainBoots 3. Duck Face Material 7 Types 4. Duck Clear Material 🊈Shark🊈 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Shark RainCoat [PB] 2. Shark RainBoots 3. Shark Face Material 7 Types 4. Shark Clear Material 🐞Frog🐞 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Frog RainCoat [PB] 2. Frog RainBoots 3. Frog Face Material 7 Types 4. Frog Clear Material 💝FullPack💝 Baby Animal RainCoat FullPack 1. Duck RainCoat [PB] 2. Shark RainCoat [PB] 3. Frog RainCoat [PB] 4. 🎁GIFT🎁 Leaf Umbrella [PB] 몚든 사진은 4K로 쎬영되얎 확대 후 확읞 가능합니닀^^! 🌕죌의사항🌕 텍슀쳐 변형 사용은 자유입니닀! 텍슀쳐, FBX 재배포, 재판맀 는 ꞈ지합니닀! 개읞방송 및 게임,Ʞ타 컚텐잠 제작시 텍슀쳐 사용가능합니닀. (※ 사용시 개읞 디슀윔드 혹은 부슀메시지 부탁드늜니닀.) 🌕판맀시작🌕 2024/07/12 🌕Update🌕 2024/07/13 Baby Animal RainCoat 1.01 ( Mamehinata, + Kipfel ) 🌕묞의사항🌕 Discord 핎킹 묞제로 묞의는 Booth Message로 변겜합니닀😿

🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Type
🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Type
🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Type
🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Type
🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Type
🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Type
🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Type
🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Type
🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Type
🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Type
🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Type
🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Type
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWhgJYXY1fY ありがずうございたした💕 _____________________________________________________________ オリゞナル3Dモデル💞「ためひなた / Mamehinata」💞 https://mukumi.booth.pm/items/4340548 オリゞナル3Dモデル💞「キプフェル / Kipfel」💞 https://mukumi.booth.pm/items/5813187 Eyes Texture 💞「Milky Way Eyes (12color)」💞 https://halex.booth.pm/items/5116138 「キプフェル専甚💞 Kipfel Texture FullPack💞 https://halex.booth.pm/items/5913005 こんにちは!🌕嬉しいです!🙌 HaLexです! 🌕商品名🌕 🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Types 🌕商品説明🌕 Phys Boneが適甚されおいるUnityファむルにアップロヌドされ すぐに䜿甚可胜です。(LilToon䜿甚) 🐥Duck🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Duck RainCoat [PB] 2. Duck RainBoots 3. Duck Face Material 7 Types 4. Duck Clear Material 🊈Shark🊈 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Shark RainCoat [PB] 2. Shark RainBoots 3. Shark Face Material 7 Types 4. Shark Clear Material 🐞Frog🐞 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Frog RainCoat [PB] 2. Frog RainBoots 3. Frog Face Material 7 Types 4. Frog Clear Material 💝FullPack💝 Baby Animal RainCoat FullPack 1. Duck RainCoat [PB] 2. Shark RainCoat [PB] 3. Frog RainCoat [PB] 4. 🎁GIFT🎁 Leaf Umbrella [PB] ボディ写真は4Kで撮圱 ズヌムむン埌の質感が確認できたす 🌕泚意事項🌕 テクスチャヌ倉圢の䜿甚は自由です! テクスチャヌを再配垃、再販売は犁止したす! 個人攟送やゲヌム、その他のコンテンツ制䜜時にテクスチャを䜿甚できたす。 (※䜿甚時に個人Discordもしくは booth messagesをお願い臎したす。) 🌕販売開始🌕 2024/07/12 🌕Update🌕 2024/07/13 Baby Animal RainCoat 1.01 ( Mamehinata, + Kipfel ) 🌕の問い合わせ事項🌕 Discordハッキング問題でお問い合わせはBooth Messageに倉曎したす😿。 _____________________________________________________________ Hello! 🌕 Nice to meet you!🙌 It's HaLex! 🌕Product Name🌕 🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Types 🌕Product description🌕 Full Pack Uploaded to the shader-applied Unity file You can use it right away. (Use LilToon) 🐥Duck🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Duck RainCoat [PB] 2. Duck RainBoots 3. Duck Face Material 7 Types 4. Duck Clear Material 🊈Shark🊈 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Shark RainCoat [PB] 2. Shark RainBoots 3. Shark Face Material 7 Types 4. Shark Clear Material 🐞Frog🐞 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Frog RainCoat [PB] 2. Frog RainBoots 3. Frog Face Material 7 Types 4. Frog Clear Material 💝FullPack💝 Baby Animal RainCoat FullPack 1. Duck RainCoat [PB] 2. Shark RainCoat [PB] 3. Frog RainCoat [PB] 4. 🎁GIFT🎁 Leaf Umbrella [PB] The body picture was taken in 4K You can check the texture after zooming in :-) 🌕 Precautions🌕 You are free to use textured variations! Redistribution and resale of textures is prohibited! Texture is available for personal broadcasting, games, and other content production. (※ Please use your own discord or boot messages.) 🌕Start selling🌕 2024/07/12 🌕Update🌕 2024/07/13 Baby Animal RainCoat 1.01 ( Mamehinata, + Kipfel ) 🌕Contact Us🌕 Discord hacking problem, the inquiry will be changed to Booth Message 😿. _____________________________________________________________ 안녕하섞요!🌕 반갑습니닀!🙌 HaLex 입니닀! 🌕상품명🌕 🐥「ためひなた & キプフェル」🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 3Types 🌕상품섀명🌕 Full Pack 쉐읎더 및 플직슀볞읎 적용되얎 있는 Unity 파음로 업로드되얎 바로 사용가능 합니닀. ( LilToon 사용 ) 🐥Duck🐥 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Duck RainCoat [PB] 2. Duck RainBoots 3. Duck Face Material 7 Types 4. Duck Clear Material 🊈Shark🊈 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Shark RainCoat [PB] 2. Shark RainBoots 3. Shark Face Material 7 Types 4. Shark Clear Material 🐞Frog🐞 Baby Animal RainCoat 1. Frog RainCoat [PB] 2. Frog RainBoots 3. Frog Face Material 7 Types 4. Frog Clear Material 💝FullPack💝 Baby Animal RainCoat FullPack 1. Duck RainCoat [PB] 2. Shark RainCoat [PB] 3. Frog RainCoat [PB] 4. 🎁GIFT🎁 Leaf Umbrella [PB] 몚든 사진은 4K로 쎬영되얎 확대 후 확읞 가능합니닀^^! 🌕죌의사항🌕 텍슀쳐 변형 사용은 자유입니닀! 텍슀쳐, FBX 재배포, 재판맀 는 ꞈ지합니닀! 개읞방송 및 게임,Ʞ타 컚텐잠 제작시 텍슀쳐 사용가능합니닀. (※ 사용시 개읞 디슀윔드 혹은 부슀메시지 부탁드늜니닀.) 🌕판맀시작🌕 2024/07/12 🌕Update🌕 2024/07/13 Baby Animal RainCoat 1.01 ( Mamehinata, + Kipfel ) 🌕묞의사항🌕 Discord 핎킹 묞제로 묞의는 Booth Message로 변겜합니닀😿